Buy ambien sleeping pillsBuy ambien from mexico. [3:15 PM] vince_gypsy: well, we were waiting to see if you were interested, and now we have some [3:15 PM] gabe_spork: lol. [3:15 PM] gabe_spork: you could not tell me were going to do any research while you were fucking around with the code of conduct stuff. [3:15 PM] vince_gypsy: i wanted to make sure you could understand my intent to keep mouth shut [3:15 PM] vince_gypsy: about the code of conduct thing [3:15 PM] gabe_spork: your silence at this point is absolutely deafening. [3:16 PM] vince_gypsy: i am not interested in the code of conduct thing [3:16 PM] gabe_spork: I could not care less if you are. I'm interested in finding out why you are not interested. If interested on the topic of code conduct, then I will get someone who is interested and find out why you are not interested on that. [3:16 PM] vince_gypsy: i thought we were going to discuss the code of conduct, but you wanted to talk about some other topic [3:16 PM] gabe_spork: you wanted to talk about how you would treat me after I made some comments. [3:16 PM] vince_gypsy: well, the code of conduct thing is not really important to me anymore. [3:16 PM] gabe_spork: if you wanted to discuss the process, that would be important to me. [3:17 PM] vince_gypsy: i never agreed to anything [3:17 PM] vince_gypsy: the process is what will take place after the code of conduct is signed [3:17 PM] gabe_spork: the code of conduct is starting point. You will need a process for handling any disputes later. [3:17 PM] gabe_spork: the process, once it's signed off on, goes forward, and you will Ativan for seiz |